“Black Light: On the Origin and Materiality of the Image” Special Issue A Map to the Door of No Return at 20: A Gathering. Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies journal, 46 (April 2023) 134-148.

“Ontologized Plasticity.” More Posthuman Glossary. Edited by Rosi Braidotti, Emily Jones, and Goda Klumbyte. Bloomsbury Press (December 2022) 89-90.

“Genealogical Mutations in the Works of Wangechi Mutu,” excerpt from Becoming Human: Matter and Meaning in an Antiblack World, in Oceans, edited by Pandora Syperek and Sarah Wade. MIT Press (June 2023) 116-123. Whitechapel Gallery, England.
Interviewed by Lauren Wilcox, “Black Feminism at the End of the World” International Politics Reviews journal (March 2022) Online.

“Ontological Slippage and the Amassing Utility of Blackness” in Everlasting Plastics: 2023 Venice Architecture Biennale Catalogue, edited by Tizziana Baldenebro and Lauren Leving. Columbia University Press (May 2023) Online and 71-73.
"Saidiya Hartman by Zakiyyah Iman Jackson" in BOMB Magazine. Winter 2023.
"Black Light: On the Origin and Materiality of the Image," in "As Quiet as It's Kept," Whitney Biennial 2022 (Whitney Museum, New York, 2022).
Women in Theory, Book Forum on Becoming Human: Matter and Meeting in an Antiblack World Forum Contributors: Joshua Chambers-Letson, Penelope Deutscher, Tavia Nyong'o and Zakiyyah Iman Jackson
"Black feminism at the end of the world: an interview with Zakiyyah Iman Jackson" in International Politics Reviews, March 2022
“Against Criticism: Notes on Decipherment and the Force of Things,” in No Humans Involved (Los Angeles: Hammer Museum, 2021).
“Suspended Munition: Mereology, Morphology, and the Mammary Biopolitics of Transmission in Simone Leigh’s Trophallaxis” in E-Flux Journal, 105 (December 2019) 1-8.
“ ‘Theorizing in a Void’: Sublimity, Matter, and Physics in Black Feminist Poetics” in South Atlantic Quarterly, 117. 3 (July 2018) 617-648.
“Sense of Things” in Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience, 2.2 (December 2016) 1-48.
“Losing Manhood: Animality and Plasticity in the (Neo) Slave Narrative” in QuiParle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences, 25.1-2 (December 2016) 95-136.
Outer Worlds: The Persistence of Race in Movement ‘Beyond the Human’ ” in Gay and Lesbian Quarterly (GLQ), 21.2-3 (June 2015) 215-218.
“Animal: New Directions in the Theorization of Race and Posthumanism” in Feminist Studies, 39.3 (January 2013) 669-685.
“Waking Nightmares” in Gay and Lesbian Quarterly (GLQ), 17.2 (April 2011) 357-363.